
Ringside Hero : some interface sketches

Happy new year to every reader! 

Work has resumed slowly on Ringside Hero's sequel. Now that I've setup my work environment for cross-compiling with the Haxe language, I'm ready to start the "real" work with some interface design. At this point I'm mostly trying to figure out how the game will be played globally and what the user interface should contain. And I'm moving stuff around a lot.

The sequel will be very different from the original game, with more focus on the management part. The player starts by managing a gym and offering boxing classes. Recruiting boxers to become professionals will only come a little later in the game, when the player chooses recruits among his classes' students, so the "BOXERS" icon won't appear at first.

Boxers will be managed more globally. Give each of them a program for a month, choose your own occupations and end the month to see the results of your choices. No more day by day results and micro-management of a boxer's stats.

The graphics shown here are a work in progress. It reflects the ideas behind the game but not the final product. Hope you like the ideas!

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