
Stop-Motion session with my Kids!

I'm only a Game Developer for a small part of my time. For another big part of my time, I'm a homeschooling father of two amazingly creative kids. There is Boy (4) and a Girl (7) and with two artsy parents around, interesting projects are often quickly improvised. I received a tripod for our camera last Christmas and during a daily arts & crafts session making paper toys with the kids, I set it up for a quick stop-motion test on the kitchen's table.

Boy and Girl were eager to try for themselves and the result is pretty cool!

(animations after the break)

Here's the test animation I did.

Here Girl makes the animation and Boy presses the camera's button to take the pictures.

Here Girl animates the horse and Boy animates the car. I take the pictures. The pencil in front of the car represents the car's light beams.

Way to go kids!

1 comment:

yours truly said...

just telling you that you are a great person and there are lot more who are reading your blog c: